Publications released by the Temple of Ascending Flame are inspired by our work, inner and open projects, and various manifestations of magical currents and esoteric traditions, represented both by the philosophy of the temple and interests of individual members, associates and friends of the temple.
Luciferian Sorcery

This book has been prepared to commemorate the 11th anniversary of the Temple of Ascending Flame. It is a unique grimoire of Luciferian magic, including rituals, meditations, and practical workings only, providing a glimpse into the ritual system of the temple. Most of these workings were originally designed for the temple’s inner projects, some of them were available as open workings, and there are also rituals and meditations that are completely new and have not been published anywhere else. They cover a variety of subjects, including well-known beings and patron deities of the temple as well as less popular spirits and entities from various areas of the world. Entities such Lilith, Samael, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Abaddon, and many others – are explored here in a practical way. The book also contains rituals of Egyptian magic and Qabalistic concepts, approached from the modern perspective. Written by the Initiates of the temple, they are meant for active practitioners of Draconian magic and Luciferian Sorcery.
Asenath Mason – Introduction
Leonard Dewar – Three Faces of Lucifer
Primordial Chaos – Self-Realization Rite of Set
Asenath Mason – Abaddon Working
Charlie Demons – Descension into Ice
Edgar Kerval – Via Qliphothica
Asenath Mason – Lilith – Mistress of Dreams
Noctulius Isaac – Samael: The Angel of Death
Mateo Jaramillo – Communion with the Dark Master – Mephistopheles
Edgar Kerval – Rite of Absorbing the Lunar Current of Lil Az’H’Az Lil
Primordial Chaos – The Lioness Warrior Sekhmet
Mike Musoke – Hecate: The Primordial Force of Creation and Destruction
Asenath Mason – Female Satanism and Initiatory Mysteries of Sex
D. G. – The God CamaZotz
Noctulius Isaac – Knowledge and Conversation of the Beast 666
Charlie Demos – ROT in Perpetual Insanity
Primordial Chaos – Necromancy Rite of Anpu (Anubis)
Greyscale – The Adversarial Tantra
Dragonel – The Ritual of Draconian Resurrection
Drakus Noir – The Path of the Ronin
Charlie Demos – Samael: Ruthless Destroyer of Lies
The Leviathan ORacle Study Book

This book is an extensive study of the Oraculum Leviathan tarot deck, based on the work of a subgroup within the Temple of Ascending Flame in the years 2021-2023. Oraculum Leviathan is unique among other decks because it is specifically addressed to a practitioner of Draconian magic and its main theme is built around the initiatory journey through the Tree of Qliphoth. In this book, you will find this journey described in detail, explaining how the particular cards can be related to concepts and ideas within the magic of the Dark Tree. The descriptions of the Major Arcana include the explanation of the symbolism used in each card, their number, the Hebrew letter associated with it, and the corresponding pathway in the Tunnels of Set. The Minor Arcana, which present less complex concepts, are explained in regard to their symbolism and the possible meaning in a reading. This tome also includes two new spreads that can be used to work with the deck and connect with its symbolism. Instead of presenting a generic view of the tarot, this study book goes deep into the meaning of each card, providing an advanced tool for those who truly want to use Oraculum Leviathan as a self-initiatory tool.

In the Draconian/Typhonian Tradition, the Spider Goddess is the Queen of Space and the Weaver of the Web in the Void. Her role and attributes are much more complex than what we know about her from ancient mythologies, where this archetype is known under such names as Arachne, Uttu, Anansi, the Spider Woman, Maya, and many others. In Qliphothic Qabalah, she is the queen of dark labyrinths beneath the Cosmic Tree. Her web extends across the Void, bridging the gulf between the Dayside and Nightside, waking and dreaming, the conscious and unconscious. Her power is magical venom, which is deadly to mundane consciousness but essential in the formula of initiation as it triggers the process of transformation through the inner alchemy of the mind. She is also the Weaver of Fate, and the spider as a symbol stands for the art of manipulation of destinies and the ability to maintain balance between past and future, spiritual and physical, creation and destruction. As the Dark Initiatrix, she shows us how to gaze through the veil of illusion and access the Web of Fates, how to change and manipulate it at its roots, and by invoking her essence and absorbing her venom we ourselves acquire the power to weave it, thus becoming the true center of the universe and the very root of all manifestation.
These faces of the Spider Goddess and many more are explored in this book. Like other anthologies by the Temple of Ascending Flame, it contains a unique view of the Spider Current, accessed and presented from the perspective of the Draconian Initiate. It is meant for other Draconian practitioners, but it also contains information that will be of interest to anyone who wants to explore the mysteries of the Spider in general.
Asenath Mason – Introduction
Denerah Erzebet – Our Lady of Silk and Space
Keona Kai’Nathera – Crawling All Over Me
Keona Kai’Nathera – Cobweb Meditation
Keona Kai’Nathera – Dreamwork with Arachne
Asenath Mason – Spider Goddess of the Qliphoth
Charlie Demos – The Cocoon of Arachne & the Gift of Poison
Charlie Demos – Qliphothic Ritual Reflections with Arachne as Initiatrix, Muse and Guide
Edgar Kerval – Spider Sorcery & the Black Sun
Edgar Kerval – Conjuring the Spider Goddess
Asenath Mason – Spider Dream Oracle
Denerah Erzebet – Autism and Immortality
David Weaver – Weaver of Fate
Dario G. – The Spider Goddess of the Labyrinth
Lucath – The Gnosis and Alchemy of the Spider
Asenath Mason – Arachne as a Zodiac Sign

Hecate is a goddess of witchcraft, lunar magic, and necromancy. She appears with torches in her hands, accompanied by howling dogs, serpents, and ghosts of the dead – terrifying retinue that roams the land under the cloak of the night. Her powers are many, and her cult involves both life and death – mystical transformation through the ultimate rite of passage and rebirth in the womb of the earth. She is benevolent and generous, both to nature and her worshippers, as well as ruthless and responsible for all nocturnal atrocities and rites of malefica. In ancient times she was believed to endow witches with the power over the forces of nature, reveal secrets of herbs and poisonous plants, and introduce her followers to mysteries of lycanthropy and shape-shifting.
In the Draconian Tradition, she is the guardian of the mystical point of crossing, where all worlds, planes, and dimensions meet and intersect. Initiation into her path involves the descent into inner darkness, the personal “underworld,” where knowledge of ourselves and our universe lies concealed, waiting to be rediscovered. She is the first initiatrix, the psychopomp, and the sentinel who meets the aspiring Initiate at the Crossroads of the Worlds, leading us into the Womb of the Dragon through the gateways of the Nightside.
This anthology contains all those portrayals of Hecate and many more, introducing the reader to the magic and mythology of this mysterious goddess. Here you will find descriptions of personal gnosis revealed through the work of authors featured in this book, as well as references to her appearance in ancient lore and magic of old times. Like the other anthologies by the Temple of Ascending Flame, all this is written from the perspective of the Draconian Initiate, involving a modern approach suitable for the practitioner of the Left Hand Path.
Asenath Mason – Introduction
Mike Musoke – Hecate: The Goddess of Magic, Mysteries & Witchcraft
Asenath Mason – Three Faces of Hecate
Bill Duvendack – Hecate and Heqet
Denerah Erzebet – Spiritual Alchemy of the Triple Goddess
Keona Kai’Nathera – Hecate Workings
Asenath Mason – Hecate – Guide to the Underworld
Edgar Kerval – Atavistic Dream: The Great Goddess Rising
Bill Duvendack – An Anubis Hecate Cult
Selene-Lilith vel Belayla Rakoczy – Hecate and Mary at Polish Crossroads
Roberto Ruiz Blum – Hecate and Spirit Alchemy
Asenath Mason – The Gatekeeper of Hell
Inara Cauldwell – Hecate, Prometheus and the First Mandrake
Satoriel Abraxas – Hecate’s Rite of Passage into Timelessness
Asenath Mason – Draconian Sigil of Hecate
Noctulius Isaac – The Hall of Many Mirrors
Asenath Mason – Lycanthropy Rite
Bill Duvendack – Hecate Ritual: Walk with the Traveler
Asenath Mason – The Potion in the Cauldron
Jack Grayle – Hekate the Adversary
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As a self-created god, Set is a powerful archetype of the Adversary and an attractive model for a practitioner seeking initiation into mysteries of self-deification. Feared by the faint-hearted and worshipped by those who sought power, he has become a symbol of storm and change, movement and transformation, force and energy. His fiery nature represents lust and fury, which is the driving force on the path, and his Black Flame is the inner spark of Godhood that successively becomes the fiery pillar of ascent on the path of self-initiation. His forked knife cuts attachments to the surrounding world, liberating the initiate from bonds of slavery and mindless ignorance, and his scepter represents authority and power, showing us how to devour our gods and be the masters of our destiny.
These portrayals of Set and many more are the subject of this anthology. Here you will find glimpses into his mysteries, provided by active practitioners of Draconian magic and initiates of the Left Hand Path. Essays and poetry, portraits and sigil art, rituals and meditations – all these contribute to the portrayal of Set as a god that is still alive and active in modern times, perhaps even more than ever before. We will look into his origins, ancient myths and legends, and modern interpretations of his role on the Left Hand Path – all this written from the perspective of the Draconian Tradition.
Asenath Mason – Lord of Storm and Change
Bill Duvendack – Fragments and Figments
Edgar Kerval – Hymns of Adoration to Setekh
Mimi Hazim – My Journey into the Desert with Set
Fra Diavolo – The Role of Set in Western Occultism
Fra Diavolo – The Ritual of Set-Transformation
Soror Sortela – Breaking Boundaries: A Sexual Encounter with Set
Asenath Mason – The Flaming Star of Set
Asenath Mason – The Many Faces of Set
Bill Duvendack – Set: An Astrological Portrait
Cătălina Deaconu – Baptized in the Ecstasy of Poison
Mimi Hazim – The Gift of Demise
Keona Kai’Nathera – Walking with Set
Asenath Mason – The Lord of Fire
V. Ghallego-Iglesias – Rising up in the Middle of the Sandstorm
Bill Duvendack – The Gods of the Underworld
Asenath Mason – Set and Nephthys: Chaos and Void
Temple of Ascending Flame Contributors
Michael W. Ford, Akhtya Dahak Azal’ucel, Sasutekhwoser V˚, Priest of Heka, Priest of Set – EGYPTIAN LEFT-HAND PATH MAGICK: The Neter Set and the Black Alchemy of the Ba and Ka
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This anthology brings together essays, rituals, and unique artwork dedicated to the Queen of the Night and the Dark Goddess of the Qliphoth. Denied and rejected, worshipped and venerated, Lilith has been a part of the Western culture for ages. Viewed both as a beautiful seductress and a ruthless demon, she is the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, the first woman, and the primary initiatrix into the mysteries of the dark side of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Her rites are the works of love and pain, sex and transgression, transcendence and immanence, for she exists at the roots of all desire of all humans past, present, and future. This archetype has never been fully grasped in its profundity and is constantly unfolding, challenging us to recognize our fears and passions and to transform them into tools of power. In this book you will find personal accounts of practitioners who ventured into the sacred and unholy garden of the Dark Queen of Sitra Ahra and returned transformed and empowered by her gnosis. Spells and invocations, dream magic and guided meditations, visions and stories of intimate encounters with Lilith – all this is contained in this unique anthology, written from the perspective of the Left Hand Path and the Draconian Tradition.
–Asenath Mason: Introduction
– Mike King: Sea of Ecstasy
– Kai’Nathera: A Mother’s Embrace
– Asenath Mason & Rev Bill Duvendack: Fire and Lust
– Martha Gray: Lilith and the Dual Nature of the Owl
– Nemo.V: The Vase of Lilith
– Katie Anderson: The Creative Fire: An Invocation to Lilith
– Edgar Kerval: The Hidden Masks (A Lilith Exploration)
– Rev Bill Duvendack: The Dark Feminine, a Man’s Tale
– Asenath Mason: The Unholy Grail
– Mike King: Black Moon Lilith
– Selene-Lilith: Selenic Face of Lilith
– Greg Brown (aka Ahohlan): Journey into the Womb of Lilith
– Alisa Jones: Lilith Queen of Tehiru Space
– Asenath Mason: Lilith, Samael & Leviathan
– Leonard Dewar: The Inconceivable Nature of Lilith
– Lucien von Wolfe: Awakening the Vampire Within
– Rev Bill Duvendack: The Mother of Abortions
– Asenath Mason: The Mask of Medusa
– Rev Bill Duvendack: Temple Astrological Correspondences
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Tree of Qliphoth explores the dark side of the Qabalistic Tree as a map of Draconian Initiation. In essays, rituals and other expressions of personal research and experience, magicians and initiates of the Draconian Tradition discuss the realms of the Nightside, teachings and gnosis of its dark denizens, as well as practical methods developed both within the Temple and through their individual work. Material included in this book will give the reader a foretaste of these forces and a glimpse of what you can expect while embarking on the self-initiatory journey through the labyrinths of the Dark Tree.
Lilith – Temple of Ascending Flame
In the Cave of Lilith – Asenath Mason
Naamah – S.ΤΖΣ. Swan
Gates of Naamah – M King
The Dark Tower – Calia van de Reyn
Gamaliel – Temple of Ascending Flame
Lilith and Samael – Asenath Mason & Rev Bill Duvendack
Samael – Temple of Ascending Flame
Invocation of Adrammelech – Rev Bill Duvendack
Poisoned Well – Rev Bill Duvendack
A’arab Zaraq – Temple of Ascending Flame
Invocation of the Dark Venus – Asenath Mason
Invocation of Baal – Rev Bill Duvendack
Niantiel Working – Asenath Mason
Thagirion – Temple of Ascending Flame
Invocation of Belphegor – Asenath Mason
Invocation of Sorath – Asenath Mason
Thagirion – Pairika-Eva Borowska
The Cave of Lafcursiax – Edgar Kerval
The Qabalism of Lucifer’s Sigil – Rev Bill Duvendack
Golachab – Temple of Ascending Flame
Invocation of Asmodeus – Christiane Kliemannel
Invocation of the King of the Nine Hells – Rev Bill Duvendack
Nine Hells of Asmodeus – Asenath Mason
Gha’agsheblah – Temple of Ascending Flame
Invocation of Astaroth – Christiane Kliemannel
Seven Gates of the Underworld – Asenath Mason
The Abyss – Temple of Ascending Flame
Invocation of Choronzon – Rev Bill Duvendack
Invocation of Shugal – Rev Bill Duvendack
Invocation of the Beast of the Abyss – Rev Bill Duvendack
Opening the Gates of Choronzon to Sitra Ahra – Zeis Araújo
Itzpapalotl – N.A:O
Ritual of Babalon – Asenath Mason
Satariel – Temple of Ascending Flame
Invocation of Lucifuge – Christiane Kliemannel
Summoning of the Lord of the Night – Rev Bill Duvendack
The Spider and the Web of Fates – Asenath Mason & Pairika-Eva Borowska
Ghagiel – Temple of Ascending Flame
Invocation of Beelzebub – Christiane Kliemannel
Litany to the Lord of the Flies – Rev Bill Duvendack
Experiencing the Strength of Belial – Mafra Lunanigra
Thaumiel – Temple of Ascending Flame
Invocation of Moloch – Christiane Kliemannel
Invocation of Satan – Christiane Kliemannel
Thaumiel – The Mask of Arrogance as Freedom – Leonard Dewar
The Calling of the Twin God – Rev Bill Duvendack
The Two-Headed Dragon of Thaumiel – Leonard Dewar
Invocation of the Lord of Thaumiel – Rev Bill Duvendack
Three Hidden Chakras Working – Christiane Kliemannel
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Lucifer is the archetype of the Adversary, initiator and guide on the Path of the Nightside. He is the fallen angel of Christian legends, the Devil of witches’ Sabbats, one of primal Draconian Gods, Demon Prince of the Air, and Infernal Emperor of old grimoires. The purpose of this book is to delve into his initiatory role on the Draconian Path and in Atlantean magic through chosen masks and manifestations which Lucifer has used over the ages to reveal his presence to mankind, bestowing his blessings on Initiates and scourging the ignorant. Essays and rituals included here explore both his bright and dark aspects, the face of the Light Bearer and the horned mask of the Devil.
Light and Darkness in Luciferian Gnosis by Asenath Mason
The Light Bearer Ritual by Temple of Ascending Flame
Invocation of the Dark Initiator by Temple of Ascending Flame
The Mind of Lucifer by Rev Bill Duvendack
Purifying Fire (The Seed of Luciferian Gnosis) by Edgar Kerval
Lord of the Air by Temple of Ascending Flame
Lucifer – The Trickster by Daemon Barzai
The Shadow Companion by Temple of Ascending Flame
Holographic Luciferianism by Rev Bill Duvendack
The Adversarial Current of Lucifer by Asenath Mason
Invocation of the Adversary by Temple of Ascending Flame
Freedom through Death by Cristian Velasco
Emperor of Shadow and Light by Pairika Eva Borowska
The God of Witchcraft by Temple of Ascending Flame
The Infernal Spirit of Old Grimoires by Temple of Ascending Flame
Masks of Lucifer Ritual by Rev Bill Duvendack